J. Philmore, “The Libertarian Case for Slavery: A Note on Nozick,” The Philosophical Forum, Vol. XIV, No. 1, Fall 1982, p. 51 at pp. 43-58, http://www.ellerman.org/Davids-Stuff/Econ&Pol-Econ/Philmore-1982.scan.pdf
fredag 30 september 2011
Archive of articles by the late great Tanya Reinhart, http://dissidentvoice.org/Reinhart-Archive.htm
Johan Galtung, On the Coming Decline and Fall of US Empire, January 28, 2004, http://www.transnational.org/SAJT/forum/meet/2004/Galtung_USempireFall.html.
William Preston, Jr. and Ellen Ray, Disinformation and Mass Deception: Democracy as a Cover Story, http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?226398-Disinformation-and-Mass-Deception-Democracy-as-a-Cover-Story
“There is no more fundamental distinction between men, psychologically and morally, than the one between those who love death and those who love life, between the necrophilous and the biophilous.” (Erich Fromm) For Marx the “struggle between capital and labor…was the fight between aliveness and deadness, the present versus the past, people versus things, being versus having. For Marx the question was: Who should rule whom – should life rule the dead, or the dead rule life?” (cited in Fromm, To Have or To Be?) Put differently, “Being refers to life and to the present; having, to death and to the past” (Fromm, On Being Human). The roots of the having structure are “one’s sense of powerlessness, one’s fear of life, one’s fear of the uncertain, [and] one’s distrust of people.” (Fromm, The Art of Being)
The early libertarian Marx delienated the difference between having and being as two fundamentally opposite principles in the following terms: the science of capitalistic economy is “a truly moral science, the most moral science of all. Self-denial, the denial of life and of all human needs, is its principal doctrine. The less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre, go dancing, go drinking, think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save and the greater will become that treasure which neither moths nor maggots can consume – your capital. The less you are, the less you give expression to your life, the more you have, the greater is your alienated life and the more you store up of your estranged life. Everything which the political economist takes from you in terms of life and humanity, he restores to you in the form of money and wealth, and everything which you are unable to do, your money can do for you: it can eat, drink, go dancing, go to the theatre, it can appropriate art, learning, historical curiosities, political power, it can travel, it is capable of doing all those things for you; it can buy everything; it is genuine wealth, genuine ability. But for all that, it only likes to create itself, to buy itself, for after all everything else is its servant. And when I have the master I have the servant, and I have no need of his servant. So all passions and all activity are lost in greed. The worker is only permitted to have enough for him to live, and he is only permitted to live in order to have.” (The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, in Erich Fromm, Marx’s Concept of Man, www.scribd.com)
Islamophobes claim that “most Muslims are stuck in the Dark Ages.” Even if they’re right, wouldn’t it be instructive to ask why? So, who’s been subsidizing their wholesale oppression in North Africa, Southeast, Central and West Asia in order to rob their rich natural resources? We have. Who’s been targeting them since 9-11 extra-judicially, domestically and internationally? We have. Who’s been terrorizing civilian Muslims far out of proportion to the few extremists who’ve been terrorizing our civilians (this shouldn’t be construed as an attempt to minimize the unrepresentative extremists’ terrorist crimes, since the loss of even one life is a big deal)? We have. Who bloodthirstily recruited, armed, trained and financed the most fanatical jihadist killers during the 1980s to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan? The CIA and its chosen clients. Who’s been villifying and demonizing Muslims in a cultural context in order to concoct and embellish enemy images for the purpose of kleptocratically feeding America’s permanent, overly blotted war machine, with devastating consequences for the South? Our “progressive” media, “liberal” scholarship and entertainment industries, initially aided by vulgar propagandists like Bernard Lewis and later Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama. Conclusion: we’re living in the Dark Ages at least as much as “most Muslims” might be, given the shocking barbarities that we carry out in the name of freedom, human rights and democracy, while deluding ourselves with all kinds of self-serving myths to rationalize our shameless imperialistic exploits. Western cultural racism and world-class hypocrisy are never in short supply
The West has terrorized the South for centuries (unmentionable in respectable circles) under the guise of “defense,” a “a war on terror,” a “war on drugs,” “counter-insurgency” and “humanitarian intervention” (the number of victims is colossal!), partly motivated by racism but more importantly by the need to protect the fifth freedom: “The central—and not very surprising—conclusion that emerges from the documnentary and historical record is that US international and security policy, rooted in the structures of power in the domestic society, has as its primary goal the preservation of what we might call ‘the fifth freedom,’ understood crudely but with a fair degree of accuracy as the freedom to rob, to exploit and to dominate, to undertake any course of action to ensure that existing privilege is protected and advanced.” (Noam Chomsky) The struggle for justice will be a travesty if this crucial issue is not explicitly addressed and redressed. The surviving victims (and the family members of the non-surviving ones) of Western state terrorism, aggression and economic strangulation must be fully compensated and rehabilitated; the physical and non-physical infrastructure destroyed by such ultra-criminal policies and actions must be rebuilt by the South (not the West) but fully financed by the West with no strings attached; third world indebtedness (a joke in terrible taste!) must be completely cancelled (since the debts are odious). In brief, massive reperations must be made to the South, with no conditionalities whatsoever attached. (N.B. Those who gloat over the great wealth disparities between the West and the South shamelessly ignore the fact that Western (blood) profit and affluence are absolutely tied to slavery, to a history of extreme exploitation and oppression. Nor has this stopped, or is ever likely to short of species extinction, as long as we accept the basic assumption that our leaders have the right to own—hence dominate and brutalize—the world courtesy of corporate West)
William Rivers Pitt, The Things We Don’t Talk About, http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/062305X.shtml
Mike Ferner, “Why War? War, Incorporated,” Counterpunch, July 17, 2002, http://www.counterpunch.org/ferner0717.html
Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, David Rosnik, The scorecard on globalization 1980-2005; 25 years of diminished progress. Center for Economic and Policy Research, September 2005, http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/globalization_2001_07_11.pdf
Norman Finkelstein, Myths, Old and New (Debate on the 1948 Exodus), http://www.palestine-studies.org/enakba/debates/Finklestein,%20Myths%20Old%20and%20New.pdf
Sharon Beder, The Corporate Assault on Democracy, http://www.inclusivedemocracy.org/journal/pdf%20files/pdf%20vol4/The%20Corporate%20Assault%20on%20Democracy.pdf
Marcos Arruda, “Neoliberal financial globalization: Capitalism’s Grave Illness,” Transnational Institute, October 2001, http://www.tni.org/print/62996
Fiona Dove, “The Responsibility to Protect,” Views from a Panel Debate, Development Dialogue November 2009, http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/DD-R2P.pdf
Charles Tilly, Violence, Terror, and Politics as Usual, http://www.bostonreview.net/RR27.3/tilly.html
William E. Forbath, “The Ambiguities of Free Labor: Labor and the Law in the Gilded Age,” Wisconsin Law Review, 1985, pp. 767-817, https://litigation-essentials.lexisnexis.com/webcd/app?action=DocumentDisplay&crawlid=1&doctype=cite&docid=1985+Wis.+L.+Rev.+767&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15&key=0e8d4a6c10421ab8027194283f3b3251
Laurence Shoup, “Shaping the Postwar World: the Council of Foreign Relations and the United States War Aims during World War II,” The Insurgent Sociologist, 1975, Vol. 5, pp. 7-52, http://crs.sagepub.com/content/5/3/7.citation
The wealthy and the comfortable wonder as before at the grumblings of the needy and are measuring the eye of the needle, which the camels of old had some difficulty in squeezing through [Mark 10: 17], to see what chance there is for their passage. They are not so confident of the ‘good time’ hereafter as they are of the condition of their bank account now. I am on the other side—and would give the under fellow a show in this life. It is a shame to put him off to the next world. (Justice Stephen J. Field)
If intellectuals derogated rather than served leadership and established institutions, refusing to toe the line so obediently and also refusing to whip a pacifist country into war fever while contortedly framing ideas for those in positions of executive power, they’d lose their privileges in no time, which most aren’t willing to do. So it’s really a waste of time trying to “convert” them to “our” side. What we ought to do is assist the underprivileged masses to uncover political reality and help them perceive social reality more systematically (since they know the basic facts thereof only too well), in the hope that they’ll rise against oppression when they feel sufficiently emboldened to do so (based on a solid understanding of the wholly artificial hence reversible nature of their poverty and powerlessness). The latter cannot happen as long as they attribute their traditional miseries to divine will and cosmic forces (the church is only too happy to perpetuate such superstition or myth, since it has its own agenda, which has absolutely nothing to do with God except in name). So we have to choose sides. Do we join the intellectuals who immolate humanity every day in the service of necrophilous power and blood profit? Or do we get on the right side of history in order to change it before it slaughters us, as it will sooner or later do due to its vindictive nature? There’s no middle ground
lördag 17 september 2011
Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid, A Factor of Evolution, http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_archives/kropotkin/mutaidcontents.html
Bertrand Russell, Proposed roads to freedom, http://www.templeofearth.com/books/propsedroadstofreedom.pdf
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2, The Contras, Cocaine,
and Covert Operations, http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/nsaebb2.htm
and Covert Operations, http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/nsaebb2.htm
Bamako Film puts the World Bank on Trial and Wins, http://artthreat.net/2007/04/bamako-film-puts-the-world-bank-on-trial-and-wins/
Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare by Tayac n, http://www.fas.org/irp/cia/guerilla.htm
1963 KUBARK manual, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB27/01-01.htm
Dean Baker, THE CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE: How the Wealthy Use the Government
to Stay Rich and Get Richer, http://deanbaker.net/images/stories/documents/cnswebbook.pdf
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