George Lakoff, Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals In the Dust,
Stages of Grief: The Myth,
James Hillman, A Terrible Love of War,
William Broyles Jr., Why Men Love War,
Julia Galeota, Cultural Imperialism: An American Tradition,
Richard Manning, The Oil We Eat,
Barbara Ehrenreich at The Progressive,
You Cannot Die Alone, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Interviewed by: Kenneth Kramer,
Robert Sardello, Freeing the Soul from Fear,
Myth and the imagination. Robert Sardello discusses the life of the soul,
Leon D. Hankoff, Why The Healing Gods Are Twins,
Remembering James Hillman: An Enterview with Thomas Moore,
Conversations With A Remarkable Man, Honoring The Late James Hillman
by Sy Safransky, Scott London, and Genie Zeiger,
James Hillman, Alchemical Psychology (chapter 1),
Distinguishing Between Soul and Spirit
Pan, the Goat-God of Nature,
The Fire of Alchemy,
Neykia: Descent to the Underworld,
Paul Street, Special Places in Hell,
Stephen Zunes, On Hillary Clinton, Sexism, and U.S. Foreign Policy,
Katherine Best, Suicide: An Archetypal Perspective,
David Lester, The Role of Shame in Suicide,
James Hillman, The Dream and the Underworld,
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