måndag 31 december 2012

Kevin Danaher, The Policy on Africa Leaks Out,

Martin Gilens, How the poor became Black: the racialization of American poverty in the mass media,

David Vine’s website:

David Vine. Island of Shame. The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia,  http://ejil.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/1/257.full.pdf+html

Mahmood Mamdani, An African Reflection on Tahrir Square,

Walden Bello, The rise of the relief-and-reconstruction complex,

Hannah Arendt, Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government,  http://www.mconway.net/page1/page17/files/Ideology%20and%20Terror.pdf

David Felix, The Role of Precedent in the WTO - New Horizons?,  http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1666169

Charles Tilly, Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists,

Noam Chomsky, In Hiroshima's Shadow,

William Minter, U.S. Policy in Angola and Mozambique,

Ramzy Baroud, ‘Democracy’ and slaughter in Burma: Gold rush overrides human rights,  http://palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=19415

Edward Herman, Regulation in Devolution,

John Pilger, History is the enemy as “brilliant” psy-ops become the news,

Articles by Molefi Kete Asante,

Arundhati Roy, War Is Peace,

Alice Amsden, Learning to be lean in an emerging economy: the case of South Korea,

Alice Amsden, Property Rights and Elites,

Noam Chomsky, Freedom and Power,

Impeach Obama 2012! Join the National Campaign!,

Patrick Gavin, Ralph Nader: President Obama’s a ‘war criminal’,

William Blum, Desert Holocaust: Iraq 1990 – 1991 (excerpted from Killing Hope),

Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber How to Sell a War,

Notes on the book by Karen Armstrong, Muhammad,

Chalmers Johnson, Sorrows of Empire,

A Guide to the Memos on Torture, By The New York Times,  http://www.nytimes.com/ref/international/24MEMO-GUIDE.html?_r=0

Torture Memo, American Civil Liberties Union,

Charles Tilly, The Politics of Collective Violence,