onsdag 23 december 2015

Louk H.C. Hulsman, Critical criminology and the concept of crime,

Anthony Petrosimo et al., Well-Meaning Programs Can Have Harmful Effects!,

Mary Watkins, Hillman and Freire: Intellectual Accompaniments by Two Fathers, 

Helene Shulman Lorenz and Mary Watkins, Silenced Knowings, Forgotten Springs: Paths to Healing in the Wake of Colonialism, 

Helene Shulman Lorenz and Mary Watkins, Depth Psychology and Colonialism: Individuation, Seeing Through, and Liberation, 

Mary Watkins, From individualism to the interdependent self, 

More articles by Mary Watkins, 

Richard Slotkin, Regeneration through violence, 

Ruth Jamieson and Kieran Mcevoy, State Crime by Proxy and Judicial Othering, 

Piketty: “Germany Has Never Repaid Its Debts; It Has No Standing To Lecture Other Nations,”

           Alternative link: http://www.pierrejoris.com/blog/?p=13420

Joanna Macy, Despair Work (p. 18-25), 

Robert J. Lifton, Psychological effects of nuclear weapons and nuclear war, 

Dennis Rivers, A Renunciation of Nuclear Weapons One Citizen At A Time, 

David Bradley, Novelist Alice Walker Telling the Black Woman's Story, 

Paulo Freire, Reading the World and Reading the Word: An Interview with Paulo Freire, 

Excerpt from The Body in Pain, by Elaine Scarry, 

Helene Shulman Lorenz, The presence of absence: Mapping post-colonial Spaces, 

Edward E. Sampson, Cognitive Psychology as Ideology, 

Sanford L. Drob, The Depth of the Soul: James Hillman’s Vision of Psychology,

Sarah A. ConnProtest and Thrive: The Relationship between Global Responsibility and Personal Empowerment 

lördag 12 december 2015

Patricia Hill Collins, Black Sexual Politics, 

Jerome H. Skolnick & Richard A. Leo, The Ethics of Deceptive Interrogation, 

Stuart Hall and Les Back, In Conversation: At Home and Not at Home, 

Reuters, Nearly Half of Americans Struggling to Stay Afloat, 

Thomas B. Edsall, Other People’s Suffering, 

Dorothy Roberts, Torture and the Biopolitics of Race, 

Dorothy E. Roberts, Constructing a Criminal Justice System Free of Racial Bias: An Abolitionist Framework, 

Francis Fox Piven, The War Against the Poor, 

Yasha Levine, Malcolm Galdwell Unmasked, 

William Deresiewicz, Capitalists and Other Psychopaths, 

Joseph Stiglitz, Politics Is at the Root of the Problem, 

Paul Street, Starve the Racist Prison Beast: Review of America’s System of Mass Incarceration, 

Paul K. Piff et al., Higher Social Class Predicts Increased Unethical Behavior, 

Jayantha Dhanapala and Sergio Duarte, Is There a Future for the NPT?, 

Robert N. Strassfeld, American Innocence, 

Barry and Maya Spector, A Day of the Dead Ritual, 

Mary Watkins, On Returning to the Soul of the World: Archetypal Psychology and Cultural/Ecological Work, 

Roberts Avens, James Hillman: Toward a Poetic Psychology, 

James Hillman, Talking About Psychology, 

Henry Corbin, Mundus Imaginalis or The Imaginary and the Imaginal, 

Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, The Mind that Burns in Each Body, 

The argument that pornography is the theory and rape the practice is contradicted by other findings, mentioned in Spector’s Madness at the Gates of the City.

Henry A. Giroux, Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism,  

Henry A. Giroux, Beyond Neoliberal Miseducation, 

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Being Black in America (part 1 of 3), 

TA-NEHISI COATES at the Atlantic, 

Ta-Nehisi Coates, Fear of a Black President, 

Two problems: “I am, like many liberals, horrified by Obama’s embrace of a secretive drone policy, and particularly the killing of American citizens without any restraints.” Which tacitly means that non-American lives have less value than American ones. And “When Osama bin Ladin was killed, I cheered like everyone else.” The killing was in violation of international law. He should simply have been apprehended and tried in a court of law, particularly in the light of the fact that he did not put up any resistance and was unarmed at the time of the assassination.

onsdag 22 april 2015

It behooves us to question the psychology behind stigma when it comes to mental disability. The truth is that mental “illness” is still shamelessly albeit implicitly associated with “evil” powers, as Thomas Szasz has observed. It’s precisely because insanity is thought to be due to possession by evil spirits that it is treated by subjecting the insane to cruelties which it is hoped the demons will dislike, as Bertrand Russell observed in The Impact of Science on Society. But as Plato wrote in Phaedrus, “…the greatest blessings come by way of madness, indeed of madness that is heavensent.”

lördag 10 januari 2015

H.L. Mencken, The Penalty of Death,

The Greatest History Lesson - John Taylor Gatto - The Truth About Your Education,
At the Least, Do No Harm: A Polemic Against Schooling by John Taylor Gatto (pp. 8-10),

John Taylor Gatto – The Purpose of Schooling. Truth versus Disinformation . . . Everything You Know is Wrong About Schooling,

John Taylor Gatto, Personal Solutions, Family Solutions (pp. 13-19),

Also see “What Really Matters” (pp. 20-25) at ibid.

Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong! An interview with John Taylor Gatto,

John Taylor Gatto, Against School,

John Taylor Gatto, Why Schools Don’t Educate,

John Taylor Gatto, The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher,

John Taylor Gatto, Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteachers Journey through the
Dark World of Compulsory Schooling,

John Taylor Gatto, The Exhausted School: “How Did We Ever Come to Believe
that the State Should Tell Our Children What to Think?”, 

John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling,

lördag 3 januari 2015

Bayard Rustin, Interracial Primer: How You Can Help Relieve Tension Between Negroes and Whites,

From Protest to Politics: The Future of the Civil Rights Movement, by Bayard Rustin,

Bayard Rustin, “Black Power” and Coalition Politics,

The Most Important Civil Rights Leader You’ve Never Heard Of: A Celebration of the Centennial of Bayard Rustin (1912–2012), 

Frances Fox Piven, Can Power from Below Change the World?,

Frances Fox Piven, Occupy’s Protest Is Not Over. It Has Barely Begun,

Plenary            Address, Frances Fox Piven, Relational Poverty Network Conference

Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward, Poor People’s Movements and the Structuring of Protest,

Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward, Rule Making, Rule Breaking, and Power,

There are some common chapters in the following 2 e-books

Sam Vaknin, Malignant Self Love,

Sam Vaknin, Abuse, Torture, And Trauma and Their Consequences and Effects,

There are some problems in the latter work particularly, most notably, on p. 99 he advocates the use of psychotropic medications for things like anxiety and depression. But that can never be justified for any type of psychological problem. And on p. 93 he says: “Victims are not a uniform lot. In some cultures, abuse is commonplace and accepted as a legitimate mode of communication, a sign of love and caring, and a boost to the abuser’s self image. In such circumstances, the victim is likely to adopt the norms of society and avoid serious trauma.” In my view, this is nonsense. Just because trauma is concealed doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Besides, the author is implicitly conceding that there’s no autonomy involved in the adoption of society’s norms under such a condition, hence there’s coercion and therefore great harm, from a humanistic standpoint.

torsdag 1 januari 2015

Noam Chomsky, Obama’s Historic Move, 

Alfred W. McCoy, How to Read the Senate Report on CIA Torture, 

Paul Street, Worthy and Unworthy Victims From Vietnam and Iraq to Ferguson and New York, 

Joe Emersberger, Capitalism Must Die Or We Will, 

Mark Engler and Paul Engler, What makes nonviolent movements explode?,